The Right Nursing Shoe Can Make A Difference

A best nursing shoes will tell that nursing is not only rewarding but also stressful and tiring because they’re on their toes almost the entire time. Nurses have very little time for sitting down before they need to be on their feet again, caring for another patient. This is why nurses need to make sure that their shoes fit well and are comfortable enough for them to work long hours.

It also depends on what kind of nurse you are. Certain areas of nursing might require you to wear shoes that offer more protection. Many people in the medical field love Crocs, but some health care systems do not allow their employees to wear these shoes.

What To Look For in Nursing Shoes

1. Skid-proof. The nursing shoe should be skid-proof.

2. Socks. It is a good idea, even if you do not wear socks every day, to ensure that your shoes can be worn with them in colder temperatures.

3. Comfort. Some suggest buying your nurses shoes once your shift is done. If the shoes are comfortable, they should remain comfortable.

4. Flexibility. Shoes should be flexible when you walk. More strain is placed on your legs, feet and ankles if you have less flexibility.

5. Length, width. You should choose shoes that are large enough to accommodate your feet as they expand and contract throughout the day. Unfortunately, sometimes swelling is a part of the job. You may also need a shoe with more cushioning if you’re a bigger person.

6. Inserts. Inserts. There are many types of inserts that can be put into your shoes to cushion the pressures caused by walking on hard surfaces all day.

The decision you make about the shoes you will purchase can be beneficial or detrimental. Spend a bit more to get a pair that is durable, comfortable and supportive. If you do not have to deal with painful feet, ankles and legs, as well as back pain, your job will be easier. If you’re in pain, it will be difficult to give your patient the attention they need.

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